Friday, January 1, 2010

testing testing 1 2 seems like a good way to talk here.
it's the 2nd day of 2010,nothing has changed.
maybe i should make some targets for this year.
let's see:

1) academic wise: do well in all reports
: never hesitate to ask ques in class
: eos cgpa:>3.4 (must improve for every sem!)

2) piano: let's try for chopin competition (maybe)

3) physical appearance: trying to lose weight, but somehow i can't although i eat's weird, because i don't take supper. nvm. 1 kg in a month then.

4) exercise: everyday at least 1 hour treadmill.

5)holiday plan: bangkok or bali??

1 comment:

  1. Good planning.
    CGPA must improve every sem!!!

    Jia you in losing weight!!!
